Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 15th Bloom Day

Technically, these pictures weren't taken on the 15th, but considering the Nor-easter that passed through here yesterday, these will have to do. I also have to apologize for the quality of the pictures. The battery died on my real camera, so I am using my phone to record my blooms. The pictures aren't as crisp, but I am grateful to have them.

Only three blooms today:

Hamamellis 'Arnold Promise'
From Drop Box

Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) and Crocus
From Drop Box

March blooms in New England can be tricky, but there a lot of families I'm excited to explore, maybe for next year. A lovely gardening blog from Cape Cod (not too far from where I garden) has me excited about the possibility of Helleborus. Blooming in her garden today are three different cultivars: niger, foetidus, and oriental. She also has Dawn Viburnum, Heath, Jasmine, and Aconite blooming. Obviously I have a long way to go to get my fill of March blooms.

Lots of garden chores today. Spreading compost, trimming back the Buddleias, and getting the vegetable pots ready on the back porch are top on the list. All the while, counting the tulip tops and watching the buds swell. What an exciting month this is!