Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Lily Monte Negro ordered from Spring Hill Nursery 3 years ago. The lily foliage is atrocious, but the Rose Campion hides the leaves a bit. For some reason in the picture the pinks are not as harmonious as they are in real life.

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Guara and Purple-leaf Sandcherry

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Mugo Pine and Ribbon Grass

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Black-eyed Susan and Butterfly Weed

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Butterfly Weed Close-up. This is the brightest it's ever been. The orange is the highlight of the garden today.

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Clustered Bellflower

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Darwin's Blue Veronica from Bluestone Nurseries. Love this blue in the garden. The picture doesn't show it well, but it is placed within a bed of Shasta Daisies, which really makes the blue pop.

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Cryptomeria Black Dragon, Variegated Wigelia, and Shasta Daisies

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Love how everyone is leaning to the sun. I think these are Heliopsis, but I am not sure. The grass is Feather Reed Grass, "Overdam".

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

The mailbox path. You can see the Butterfly Weed in the middle. Hope the monarchs find it!

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Claire's Phlox and Spirea in the background

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Nothing says summer like Black-eyed Susans

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Tsuga canadensis 'Moon Frost' and Heuchera "Coral Bells"

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Lavender and Juniper "Mother Lode"

From 2011-07-02 (by Eye-Fi)

Oakleaf Hydrangea and Astilbe coming into bloom in my dark corner.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18, 2011

It's been a while since I blogged about my garden! It's such an exciting time of year and there is always so much work to be done. But honestly, there isn't much that I like doing more than getting my hands dirty and putzing around in the garden. I posting a blog because I finally got my camera working. Or should I say my technically-savvy sweetheart did. What's amazing is that he got me a card in my camera that automatically uploads all the pictures I take to my picasa album. That makes it so easy to get them onto the blog and I love easy. So I have no excuses for not getting some pictures up more often. Wish me luck!

Mt. Laurel I think Carousel, though am not certain on the cultivar

From 2011-06-18 (by Eye-Fi)

Iris and Fringe Tree (Mt. Laurel is in the background)

From 2011-06-18 (by Eye-Fi)

Campanula, Veronica, and Daisies with Purple-leaf Sand-cherry in the background

From 2011-06-18 (by Eye-Fi)

Penstemon, Artemisia, and Thyme

From 2011-06-18 (by Eye-Fi)

Start of a raised foliage garden. This wall faces north-west and gets too hot in the afternoon for some of the foliage plants I envisioned here. Might have to rethink the whole space.

From 2011-06-18 (by Eye-Fi)

Annual pots by the front door

From 2011-06-18 (by Eye-Fi)