Sunday, February 28, 2010


9 short weeks to go from this...

From Drop Box

to this...

From Garden May 9 2009

Yesterday I finished cutting down most of the old stalks and grasses left over from last year. Today I cleaned out the mats of oak leaves that have been collecting all winter. The discovery I am most excited about is my Lupine. I actually have some returning from last year. I ordered a mixed bag from Bluestone Perennials to plant in the spring, knowing they are often one-year wonders, but under the leaf mat today, that distinct leaf was definitely emerging. Also starting to peak out were daffodils, Kaufmanniana and species tulips, crocus, and snowdrops. It certainly isn't warm, but 40 is reasonable enough to extend my walk out to the school bus by a few minutes each day to find the exciting spring developments. What fun!