Lupine and Tsuga canadensis 'Moon Frost'
Close-up of the Lupine. The tallest are Russell Hybrids from Bluestone ordered last spring. I'm shocked first that they came back and second how beautifully they are doing. They get morning sun and afternoon shade in well-draining slightly acidic soil, but no special care. If I don't get seedlings next year, they will definitely be going on the Bluestone list.
Spring colors. Usually I don't go for staying on one side of the color wheel. I'm more of a contrast-y sorta lady, but this works for me. I think the prettiness of the silver Artemesia "Silver Brocade" and maroon "Husker Red" Penstemon foliage together would be lost if the flowers in this area were strong yellows, reds, and purples. I need to remember and go back and take just a picture of the white daisy in front of the penstemon's dark leaves. I bet that would be a nice close-up.
Spirea "Snow Mound" Don't worry. I'll post the whole bush when it is in full bloom. It definitely is a favorite. But just a few blooms in anticipation seemed appropriate today.